If you are preparing for the Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam then you have come to the right place. In this episode, Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM answers about 40 questions …
Cornelius Fichtner

Cornelius Fichtner
Cornelius Fichtner, PMP, CSM, is the President at OSP International LLC, a PMI Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.). He is the founder and owner of The Project Management PrepCast, a regular show in the format of a traditional radio show, which teaches project managers the foundations for passing the PMP Exam. Cornelius and his team have coached over 27,000 project managers on their way to becoming PMP certified. Cornelius writes about project management training and certification. See Cornelius's Articles/Podcasts
Cornelius Fichtner’s Project Business Career – Part 2
Looking for information on a project management career? In part 2 of this series, Martin Berneburg and Oliver Lehmann continue their interview with Cornelius Fichtner about his career in project …
Leadership during Crisis and Turbulence
In this podcast, Cornelius Fichtner interviews Shyam Ramanathan about leadership during crisis and turbulence. They discuss the challenges we are facing during the global pandemic, with many of us following …
The 4 secret ingredients to passing the certified associate in PM exam
Are you interested in or starting your career in project management? Are you looking for a way to gain credibility with project managers and employers? Then taking the Certified Associate …
PMBOK Guide Seventh Edition: Podcast
In this podcast, Cornelius Fichtner discusses his experience attending two workshops he attended to help in the development of The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) — Seventh edition. The …
PMI’s New Brand: Podcast
In this podcast, Cornelius Fichtner interviews Cindy Anderson, the VP, of Brand Management at Project, about the elements of PMI’s new brand and the fact that there is a lot …
Project management institute, Sunil Prashara, President and CEO of PMI
In the podcast, Cornelius Fichtner interviews Sunil Prashara, the President and CEO of Project Management Institute (PMI)®. They discuss Sunil’s responsibilities within PMI, how project management is changing the world, delve …
Business Strategy: Brightline is Bridging the Gap
In this podcast, Cornelius Fichtner interviews Ricardo Vargas, the Executive Director of Brightline, about business strategy and bridging the gap between strategy design and delivery. Brightline is a new strategic …
The PMP Exam is Changing on 1 July 2020: Podcast
As a project management trainer, I have always focused not only on teaching my students how to pass their exams but also on how to become better at what they …
Exciting Updates for The CAPM® Exam: Podcast
In this podcast, Cornelius Fichtner interviews Sierra Hampton-Simmons about the exciting new updates to the CAPM® Exam. Sierra currently serves as the Portfolio Leader/Head of Certification Products. This means that …