Is your scope definition gathering dust? You have just been selected to manage that big, important corporate project. Now that you’ve defined your project’s scope, what do you do with …
Jan Schiller

Jan Schiller
Jan Schiller, PMP, PSM1, FLMI, is a partner with Berkshire Consulting, LLC. She specializes in revealing the path from where an organization is to where they want to be. Over the past 30 years, Jan has been focused on linking strategy to results with project management in the financial services, investment, health, beverage, learning management and life sciences industries. She has helped her clients with the adoption of project management best practices; streamlining business processes; addressing regulations; achieving competitive advantage and much more. In addition to being quoted twice in PMNetwork Magazine, she's also discussed how to develop a PMO Project's scope statement on Phoenix Business RadioX (podcast). Jan writes about scope, portfolio management, methodologies, and PMO. See Jan's Articles
Part 1: Are you managing your projects or just tracking them?
The word ‘track’ originated in the 15th century; usage of the word ‘track’ started to take off in the 1950s at a time when the world was recovering from many …
How to best define your project’s footprint
You have just been selected to manage that big, important corporate project. You realize the project’s charter is nowhere to be found. How do you go about defining your project’s …
How to spot an old-school project manager
Want an elite project manager on your team? Can you recognize a project manager with the expertise and experience developed and refined by successfully, consistently, and predictably delivering complex results? …
18 Misconceptions that decrease PMO’s value
What is a PMO’s value? Find out about some misconceptions. Despite your best-laid plans, communications, and focus on delivering value, misconceptions about your project management office (PMO) can exist about …
Is your PMO sufficiently data-driven?
Most project management offices (PMOs) offer services to executives seeking to make informed decisions about the best approach to achieve their strategies. The key to effective data-driven PMO decision-making is …
Know what you want your PMO to be when it grows up
When it comes to setting up a PMO, what should it look like? If you want to know what your PMO will be when it grows up; you have to …
Avoiding common PMO pitfalls
Establishing and growing a project management office (PMO) requires all of your powers of observation. These five areas should have your PMO’s attention. Culture There are entire books, presentations, and …
20 Clues that project management can transform your legal prowess
Project management is more structured and complex than a document or case management solution. Many organizations want their legal services to be more disciplined, efficient, competitive, adaptive, profitable, and proactive …
Techniques to make project scope management more manageable
Project scope management is always a challenge. Here’s how I effectively manage scope without appearing rigid or inflexible and get the change requestor’s skin in the game. When I set …