Interested in helping your team succeed without micromanaging? Telling your team what you want them to do and how to do it is the quickest way to kill innovation. Choose …
Jan Schiller

Jan Schiller
Jan Schiller, PMP, PSM1, FLMI, is a partner with Berkshire Consulting, LLC. She specializes in revealing the path from where an organization is to where they want to be. Over the past 30 years, Jan has been focused on linking strategy to results with project management in the financial services, investment, health, beverage, learning management and life sciences industries. She has helped her clients with the adoption of project management best practices; streamlining business processes; addressing regulations; achieving competitive advantage and much more. In addition to being quoted twice in PMNetwork Magazine, she's also discussed how to develop a PMO Project's scope statement on Phoenix Business RadioX (podcast). Jan writes about scope, portfolio management, methodologies, and PMO. See Jan's Articles
Prioritization | 6 Important prioritization tips
Prioritization is a powerful activity essential to an organization’s success. When your day is dominated by a work whirlwind filled with several things to do and every one of them …
6 Simple steps to add projects to your project portfolio
The success of knowing how to add projects to a portfolio requires some steps. Is your project portfolio in a spreadsheet, disconnected from the business value it is intended to …
Does #noestimates really mean no estimates?
When I learned more about the #noestimates movement, primarily through articles authored by Woody Zuill, Neil Killick, and Ronald Jeffries, I was really intrigued. I have yet to manage a …
Do you know the difference between scope and requirements?
Scope and requirements are interrelated concepts. Projects in your portfolio should be creating and managing both. What is the difference between the two? Why do you need both? Why is …
How curiosity can improve your project estimates
Want to create better estimates? Be curious. Curiosity enhances the project estimates made by experienced estimators who fully understand the scope of work to be performed and who have experience …
The only 2 expectations you need to set for project portfolio success
Interested in knowing what expectations are for project portfolio success? My career adventures in project portfolio management (PPM) have taught me that I need to set only two expectations with …
The power of your expectations in shaping your teams behavior
There’s power of your expectations in shaping your team’s behavior. We all know that a successful project manager spends about 90 percent of their time communicating. The words we choose …
9 tips for a rock-star Project Management Office (PMO)
In my career, I’ve been fortunate to maximize my value on both sides of the project management office (PMO) solution space. As a project/program/portfolio manager, I am a customer because …
The best approach to project portfolio management: Methodology mixology
There is one approach that is the best approach for managing project portfolios: the one that best delivers its strategy. Rarely is one methodology the only one needed for success; …