Project deliverables are the life’s blood of project management, so it only makes sense to do what you can to safeguard against the most common pitfalls. Whether you’re talking about internal …
Moira Alexander

Moira Alexander
Moira Alexander, PMP, I.S.P., ITCP/IP3P, is a recognized project management influencer, thought leader, a regular correspondent for PMI's Projectified podcast, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of PMWorld 360 Magazine, Founder of Lead-Her-Ship Group, and author of “LEAD or LAG: Linking Strategic Project Management & Thought Leadership”. Moira has over 25 years of experience in business (IS&T) and project management for small to large businesses in the US and Canada and has been quoted in various publications including Forbes. She writes thought leadership content for top-tier publications and business blogs and oversees or writes sponsored content and software reviews on PMWorld 360 Magazine. See Moira' Articles
Triple constraint: Balancing time, cost, and project quality
Triple constraint is a term often heard in project management. This is related to time cost quality. But how does it translate into achieved or missed project and organizational objectives? …
How to evaluate and prioritize projects
Within most large organizations—as well as smaller businesses—time and resources are in short supply yet in high demand, making project selection more difficult. Evaluating and prioritizing projects can be complex, …
Thinking About Whether to Outsource Your Project Management
Evaluating whether or not your company should outsource project-management services can be challenging. Before making this potentially risky leap, you have to assess if this is a good move for …
Essential skills every project manager should have
Change-management and organizational-development expertise Change is a constant in business and most certainly in projects. When asked what his clients are looking for in a project manager, Tony Kirschner, a …
Interview questions all project managers need to be prepared to answer
Answering project-management job interview questions can be more stressful than the new job itself. Most candidates expect to talk about their strengths, weaknesses, skills, and methodology as a PM. But …
Is a career in project management right for you?
If you are contemplating a career in project management, do you ever wonder if it is the right choice for you? It is multifaceted and rewarding, but it is also …
How to Hire a Rock Star Project Manager Who Values Team Work
Any company that’s spent some time looking for an experienced project manager knows it that can be a stressful process that sometimes yields little or no results. In an article, …
How to evaluate if your business is ready for remote projects
Remote project management is a significant reality for most businesses today. How ready is your business? After identifying all the possible barriers to remote project management and some of the …
Factors that just might block remote project management
There are many factors that can impede remote project management, each of which will be discussed in this article as well as several solutions for each. Productivity degradation Even the …