Project Management Offices (PMO) are not new, but how we look at them has evolved like everything else in project management. In recent years, a push, mostly in Europe, towards …
Sylvie Edwards

Sylvie Edwards
Sylvie Edwards, PMP, MCPM, STDC, CMP, FPMAC, RMP has 25 years of project management experience spanning various industries and is the owner of SRE Solutions, catering to clients in need of project management course development, education, project risk management, PMO setup/evaluation or recovery services. She has worked with one of the top five consulting firm, where she led projects in the information technology, banking, government, and securities sectors as well as being a manager in the risk management practice. Sylvie writes about risk management, communication, and PMO. See Sylvie's Articles
Revisiting the removal of the Delphi technique
With the sixth edition of PMI’s body of knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) came some needed changes in terms of knowledge areas and processes as well as some surprises. One of the …
4 Steps to help organizations view risks as opportunities
A lot of people, including myself when I started working more in risk management, have a hard time with considering risk as a positive event. This comes from years of …
As a project manager, are you an active listener?
Early on in my career when I was in the hospitality industry, one of the first courses that I was asked to attend was an active listening course. The fact …
Why every project manager must understand change management
Being effective in project management requires project managers to understand change management. If you are a Project Manager right now looking for the next course or discipline to pursue, I …
7 Early-stage Project Risk Components You Should Consider
Many project managers are simply thrown into their work or the rapid start of a project before they have a chance to have a moment to consider what the project …
Is body language part of your communication strategy?
Learn about body language in communication strategy. Albert Mehrabian, renowned engineer and psychologist documented and developed in his doctorate research (in the early 1960s) a theory that in order to …
Is your company missing the mark when conducting risk identifications?
For many project teams out there in various organizations, risk identification is just another process that we accomplish in order to keep risk from undermining our project management efforts. It …
What is the measure of a successful project?
Historically speaking, project managers have always seen the measure of a project’s success related to what you might have come to know as the “iron triangle” or quadruple constraints. A …
5 Reasons why you should be using risk management on every project?
There are still a great number of projects led by competent Project Managers (PMs) out there that do not use risk management to its full capacity or intent. Most of …